Coaching Application Apply to become a coach at London Elite Basketball Club using the form below: Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phone (required) Your Date of Birth (required) Gender (required) MaleFemale Interested in Coaching (required) U12 BoysU14 BoysU16 BoysU16 GirlsU18 BoysU18 GirlsMens Do you currently coach a team? (required) YesNo [group group-547] Name of Team [/group] If you have coached previously, please describe your coaching experience, including what level have you coached at and how many seasons. Why do you want to be a youth basketball coach? What is your coaching philosophy? (please be thorough in your response) Have you ever been formally removed from a position of authority (coach, board member, volunteer, etc) in a youth organization in the past? (required) NoYes Please list three references: (Name; Relationship; Phone Number) Input this code: